Health and Wellness,  Lifestyle

Let Go of Limiting Beliefs Now: 30 Days to a New You!

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*Post updated May 2024

Let go of limiting beliefs and uncover the real you! We all have limiting beliefs that color and shape our life experiences. And, the tricky part is that they are quite hard to identify. That’s because they have integrated so completely into our concept of self. Essentially, they are part of our personality! So, it takes intentional action steps to break free of them and begin living a life that’s a more authentic reflection of who we truly are.

What are Limiting Beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are the negative, false ideas you form about yourself early in life. You actually may not even realize you have them because they are so deeply rooted in childhood experiences. However, due to these beliefs, you are less likely to take calculated risks or open yourself up to all of life’s wonderful possibilities.

These false ideas may keep you feeling stuck in your personal or professional life. And ultimately, they can prevent you from fulfilling your true potential. That’s why it’s so crucial to identify your unconscious biases, while simultaneously working on self-esteem issues, to consciously create a life you love.

“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.”

Louise Hay

Why Do We Have Limiting Beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are negative beliefs about yourself that you developed in childhood based on what your parents, and other trusted adults, taught you. Think of them as the little voice in your head, or your inner critic.

And, you’ll carry them with you until you begin to realize that they represent a false, or outdated version of yourself. For most people, this usually won’t happen until they experience a crisis that forces them to go inward: a divorce, a death in the family, or other life-altering event. But, you don’t have to wait for some drastic occurrence to push past the limitations they impose.

“You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.”

Andrew Murphy

How Limiting Beliefs Keep You Stuck

Here’s an example of how limiting beliefs keep you stuck in a cycle that can be difficult to change when you are trying to upgrade your life. Young children believe what adults tell them, and this is how they learn who they are. So, if your parents felt strongly that children should be seen and not heard, you accepted this as truth.

So, when you spoke out or gave an opinion, you were ignored, punished, or received some type of negative feedback. As a result, you learned that your emotions, opinions, and ideas were not valued.

And because children are unable to separate themselves from their emotions, you internalized that you are unworthy, and your feelings are wrong. This unintended lesson can have some powerful consequences moving forward.

For instance, it may lead to a lack confidence when expressing ideas or opinions, and the fear of public speaking. You may also have low self-esteem which will affect all of your decisions, including who you marry and your career choice. And, this is how one belief can negatively impact your entire life. (If you are interested in reading more in depth about this, a wonderful resource is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.)

Let Go of Limiting Beliefs: 30 Days to a New You!

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Let Go of Limiting Beliefs: 30 Days to a New You!


Young children are very impressionable because they are in a Theta Brain Wave state until about the age of five. This state is commonly associated with deep relaxation, hypnosis, and REM Sleep. Neurological and brain development at this stage is shaped by every interaction, even those that seem very insignificant to an adult.

According to, “Theta brain waves can be considered the subconscious; they govern the part of our mind that lies between the conscious and the unconscious and retain memories and feelings. They also direct your beliefs and your behavior.”

Abuse and Dysfunction

If you grew up in a dysfunctional or abusive environment, limiting beliefs will overshadow your life more intensely. Being repeatedly hurt by a loved one leads to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem in adulthood.

How to Identify Limiting Beliefs

The easiest way to identify limiting beliefs is to look at your problems. That’s because the beliefs you have about yourself created them. The Universe (God, the Creator, or higher power) will always give you the experience you need for the evolution of your soul.

So, when you keep getting the same negative results, it’s a sign that this is the area of your life where you have limiting beliefs. And, that’s exactly where you have to put in the work!

What we fear of doing most is usually what we need to do.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Obstacles

In our society, we are conditioned to search for happiness, rather than cultivate it from within. And, you may believe that happiness is the result of outside circumstances. However, by simply observing the people in your life or turning on the television, there are ample examples that material wealth does not equate to happiness or even a sense of security.

So, if you’ve convinced yourself that you will be happier when you get a better job (bigger house, nicer car, a new partner), you may be disappointed. Moreover, this thinking will prevent you from identifying the deeper issues you need to work on that will make a significant improve in your life circumstances.

Create a Rich Inner World

Authentic happiness is an intrinsic state of being that you are responsible for nurturing. And, that means going inward and working through pain even when it feels uncomfortable. The first step is to spend time thinking about what you think about all day long. And, consider what problems or challenges in your life seem to play on repeat. These are the issues that you have to confront head-on. (Always consult a mental health professional when dealing with trauma and depression.)

Now that you’ve identified your limiting beliefs, it’s time to go inward and create a rich inner world. This will help you release them while shining a light on what you truly desire.

How do you do this? Ask yourself one simple question, “What would my life look like if I knew I couldn’t fail?” This vision will direct and guide you on your journey. And, when you start aligning your energy with the things that you desire, you will attract them to you.

  • Decide exactly what you want. If every area of your life was ideal, what would that look like? Don’t hold back. Creating a vision board is a powerful, effective way to do this. Keep it where you can see it and look at it often!
  • Stay positive, even when it’s hard! Stop feeding into unhelpful thoughts, and release negativity. Regardless of how unhappy you are, you cannot change your life without changing your thoughts. Your current experience will teach you what you need to get to the next level. So, use whatever is happening as a valuable life lesson, and practice gratitude whenever possible. Remember, how you feel is the most important thing when manifesting. So, make feeling good your natural default mode!
  • Create a positive affirmation that reflects your goal. Make it goal specific and keep it in the present tense. “I am so happy and grateful now that _____.” Repeat it as often as possible.
  • Release it. Let the Universe take care of the details. Remember, you will block what’s meant to be if you try to control it. So, have faith and know that the Universe has the best intentions for you.
  • Know that you already have everything you want. Everything you want is already within you. It just hasn’t manifested in your world yet. Feel abundant and thank the Universe for what you do have.
  • Be who you want to become now! Don’t wait for something to happen. You already are successful and abundant. So, feel, act, and think your way into a new life!

A 30 Day Challenge

By following this 30 day guide, you will be able to uncover limiting beliefs and create a rich inner world. These are the first small action steps toward your new life! And soon, you’ll notice small coincidences and synchronicities. This is a sign that you are on the right path!

30 Day Challenge:

Day 1: Set goals! Before you can create the life you want, you have to know what your ideal life looks like. What does success mean to you?

Day 2: Have gratitude. Make a list of 5 positive things in your life that you are grateful for. Keep writing until your heart is full!

Day 3: Stop comparing yourself to others. Remind yourself of the things that make you unique. Think of your special contributions to the world and write them in your journal.

Day 4: Do something to benefit your health today. Drink more water, don’t have any sugar, and cut down on caffeine. You get the idea.

Day 5: Stop judging others. Every time you have a negative or unkind thought, shift into neutral. Allow others to freely have their experience.

Day 6: Be social. Contact someone who you haven’t spoken to in a while, or reach out to a friend who always brightens your day.

Day 7: Commit a random act of kindness. There are plenty of opportunities throughout the day to do this. So, smile at a stranger, donate to an animal shelter, or lend a helping hand to someone who needs it.

Day 8: Get moving. Walk for 30 minutes or hit the gym. You might even want to try out a new yoga class. Whatever you do, get a good sweat going today. You’ll thank yourself for it later.

Day 9: Do something new. Instead of the same old routine, try something different. Start learning a new language, or research how to create your own blog. Whatever it is, it will stir up your passion for life.

Day 10: Say no! Learn how to set boundaries. Setting healthy boundaries is an essential part of self-care, and something your future self will thank you for!

Day 11: Don’t complain. If you don’t have anything positive to say, don’t say anything at all!

Day 12: Go for a nature walk. When you spend time in nature, you feel more connected to everything around you. And, it immediately raises your vibrational frequency.

Day 13: Don’t engage with toxic people. If someone starts to complain or a gossip, be polite, but make it clear that you’re not interested in that conversation.

Day 14: Add humor to your day. When something is difficult or doesn’t go your way, your first reaction may be to get angry. But, don’t! Try to find the humor in the situation, possible. I’m sure you’ve heard that laughter is the best medicine!

Day 15: Check-in. Now that you’re halfway through, what’s changed? How is your life better? Jot down your thoughts in a journal, then take a moment to congratulate yourself!

Day 16: Surrender to the Universe. Whatever happens today, know that it was for your greatest good. It will help to propel you forward on this journey or teach you a lesson.

Day 17: Speak your mind, compassionately. What’s been bothering you that you’ve been afraid to address? Today is the day to get it off your chest. Be brave, but be polite and compassionate as well.

Day 18: Create two positive affirmations. Make sure they’re specific to your goals and repeat them as often as possible. Don’t forget to write them in your journal.

Day 19: Practice humility. Let someone else be the center of attention today. When you practice humility, it loosens the grip of ego and makes you a happier, more confident person.

Day 20: Listen to your favorite song. Crank up the music and sing along! This will get your endorphins going and instantly elevate your mood.

Day 21: Meditate even if it’s just for 5 minutes. Clearing your mind will help you connect to the Universal source and this makes you more powerful. When you commit to a meditation practice, you will enjoy a multitude of benefits.

Day 22: Create a vision board. Use pictures and quotes to map out your ideal life and paste it onto a poster board. This is an activity based in neuroscience. So, be prepared for things to change!

Day 23: Declutter! Get rid of things you’re not using, or things that remind you of the past (in a dragging you down kind of way). Sell, donate, or throw away!

Day 24: Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Lather on the moisturizer and give some well-deserved attention to your feet, neck, knees, and elbows. They deserve a little TLC and so do you!

Day 25: Take responsibility for something you did wrong. Taking responsibility and righting a wrong will create good karma. So, apologize if necessary, even when it’s hard.

Day 26: Take one new action step toward your goals today. Make a phone call, do some research, or connect with someone who can help you to get one step closer to your dreams.

Day 27: Eat your fruits and veggies! Skip the meat and make a vegetarian meal for dinner tonight. If you are a vegan or vegetarian, try a new recipe!

Day 28: Go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep for a change. A restorative sleep can do wonders, and your body deserves it.

Day 29: Be mindful and stay in the present moment. Pay attention to everything you do and say today. Honor the moment and cherish everything for what it is, and not as a means to an end.

Day 30: Disconnect from social media today. Only log on when it’s work related or absolutely necessary. Cultivate your inner world today and get excited about future possibilities!

When you honor yourself, life will respond by showering you with abundance and happiness. And, when you do hit a rough patch, you will have the mental resilience to work through it with confidence. Your limiting beliefs, and the fear they create, are the only things holding you back from getting everything you want and deserve!

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Disclosure: Melissa Damiani is a participant in the Routine Probiotics Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to merchant, and the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking Although I only promote products that I love, use, and have confidence in, always do your own research before purchasing any product or service. Read my disclaimer here.

Melissa Damiani has a BA in Psychology and an M.Ed in Education. She is a personal coach and a lifestyle blogger who lives in New England with her husband and three fur babies. She enjoys reading, writing, practicing yoga, being in nature, British and medieval history, and all things Italian.

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