Health and Wellness,  Lifestyle

Mindfulness is a Superpower: 5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Life Now!

Mindfulness is a superpower! And, by practicing it daily, you will transform your life. Living mindfully is the first step in creating the authentic, joyful life you deserve!

Mindfulness has become a popular buzzword. But, what does it truly mean? Mindfulness is the act of living with intention while being grounded in the present moment. When you live mindfully, you stop reacting to life and start taking control.

In this state of awareness, you can monitor your emotions and consciously respond to life situations. As a result, you raise your vibrational frequency and live a more positive life!

Mindfulness is a Superpower: 5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Life!

Mindfulness is a Superpower: 5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Life Now!

Conscious vs. Unconscious Living

According to the Happier Human website, “Conscious living is a way of life that is deliberate and well-thought-out. The lifestyle largely involves maximum awareness of yourself, immediate surroundings, and the world at large. Awareness at these various levels helps inform your day-to-day decisions and influence how you experience life.”

So, in other words, mindfulness means that you live consciously. However, quite often you may go through the day unconsciously, or on autopilot. That’s because the brain is an efficient organ and will always look for the least path of resistance.

Therefore, instead of setting intentions and making purposeful decisions, you will oftentimes allow outside circumstances to set the tone of your day.

“How we pay attention to the present moment largely determines the character of our experience, and therefore, the quality of our lives.” 

Sam Harris

Past and Future

You may also notice that you often have repeating, persistent thoughts of the past, or worries and anxiety about the future. And, this pattern of behavior will suck the joy out of your life. You will find yourself looking for ways to escape life.

“Mindfulness meditation doesn’t change life. Life remains as fragile and unpredictable as ever. Meditation changes the heart’s capacity to accept life as it is.

Sylvia Boorstein

But, this is just your ego in action. Left unchecked, the ego will create a never-ending stream of negative thoughts and emotions. And, it will feel as though your mind is working against you. This is why you may feel unhappy and depressed. As a result, you’ll continue to attract what you don’t want which can make you feel stuck.

However, in a Universe that is continually fresh and new, you can raise your vibrational frequency and turn things around at any time!

Mindfulness and Intention

Setting intentions is an effective way to practice mindfulness. When you get out ahead of the day, and decide how you want to conduct your life, you begin creating positive momentum.

Another great way to do this is to use positive affirmations. You can learn how to effectively create your own personal affirmations here.

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”


Mindfulness provides a strong foundation in which to build your life because external factors are less likely to distract you from your objectives when you are present. So, you’re better able to achieve your goals and move joyfully through the world. As a result, you create the best possible outcome in every situation and can take control of your life.

Benefits of Mindfulness

  • promotes well-being
  • can make you more resilient
  • improves memory
  • decreases stress and unhappiness
  • increases joy
  • improves physical and mental health

5 Ways to Practice Mindfulness in Your Daily Life

1. Meditate first thing in the morning.

Sara Lazar, from Harvard University, learned in a recent study that mindfulness meditation actually changes the structure of the brain in the best way possible! Meditation cultivates mindfulness. Anyone and everyone can meditate.

And, it doesn’t have to be ritualistic or complicated. You can simply visualize a goal or set an intention, then release it before you begin your meditation.

  • Find a quiet, relaxing space.
  • Sit up in a comfortable position and cross your legs, or sit in a chair with your feet on the floor.
  • Rest your hands lightly on your thighs. There are some basic hand positions you can use for different purposes, but it’s not necessary.
  • Clear your mind and focus on your breath. Breathe in and out and notice the rise and fall of your belly.
  • Inevitably your thoughts will wander. Simply return to your breathe and begin again.

And, if you can’t meditate in the morning, carve out a few minutes of stillness throughout your day. For example, you can do this while brushing your teeth or when you get into your car in the morning.

Take a moment to get centered and bring yourself into the present. Breathe in and out deeply several times. Done repetitively, this simple act of creating space and breathing is a powerful practice in mindfulness.

2. Eat mindfully.

How often do you find yourself eating unconsciously or grabbing a quick bite so you can move on to something else?

Life is busy and you may feel as though you’re racing against the clock throughout the day. However, taking time to enjoy a meal is the perfect way to incorporate mindfulness into your life. So, feel gratitude for the food that is nourishing you, and thank the people who made the meal possible.

When you eat slow and deliberately, with a grateful heart, you can raise your mood and shift into mindfulness.

This is also a wonderful opportunity to consider what you’re putting into your body. Is it natural and nutritious? Are you ingesting too many processed or fatty foods? Small shifts in your diet can have a positive influence on your health and your weight!

3. Enjoy authentic interactions with others.

Living mindfully means that you consciously interact with everyone you come into contact with. However, instead of seeing people as unique individuals, we have a tendency to label them or put them into categories.

And, there is a perfectly valid reason for this. You have so much information coming at you on a daily basis that’s it’s hard to process it all! So, because your brain is efficient, you use what you already know and apply it to similar situations.

When you become aware of this pattern of behavior, you can choose not to fall into it. Learn to treat every human interaction as unique and special.

Random Acts of Kindness

One way you can do this is to commit random acts of kindness. This will allow you to authentically engage with others and practice mindfulness at the same. Not to mention that you will make the world a happier place. And, personally it’s my favorite way to boost my mood and release endorphins.

Cultivating a generous spirit starts with mindfulness. Mindfulness, simply stated, means paying attention to what is happening; it’s about what is really going on.

Nell Newman

Here are some simple ways for you to commit random acts of kindness:

  • Buy someone a coffee.
  • Make friendly conversation with someone who looks lonely.
  • Give someone a sincere compliment.
  • Donate or volunteer.
  • Ask someone if they need help.
  • Smile at a stranger.

4. Try not to make judgments about everything.

We’ve been conditioned to judge almost everything, which can keep you on an emotional roller coaster. However, you can’t truly judge something as good or bad because you’re unable to see the bigger picture in that moment.

In other words, your idea of good and bad is an illusion. When something “bad” happens, it can lead to the best experience of your life. For instance, my divorce resulted in me creating my dream life with an amazing partner!

So, shift into neutral when you notice yourself judging. This will train you to control unhelpful, negative thoughts. And, it’s an effective way to practice mindfulness.

5. Pay attention.

Too often we get caught up thinking about the past or the future, and don’t fully appreciate the beauty of the present moment. When your mind wanders without restraint, you fall into unconsciousness. This prevents you from practicing mindfulness.

So, stay engaged with whatever’s happening in the moment and enjoy your life to the fullest! When you’re fully immersed in the present, you can savor the unique quality of each moment.

Paying attention, or being mindful, means that you give every task, no matter how small, your full attention. A great way to do this is to use the five senses. For instance, when you drink a glass or water or making the bed, notice all of the different sensations that make up the experience.

Or, when you’re having a conversation, listen without judgement and try not to answer immediately. This will let the other individual know that you are actively engaged in listening.

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have.

Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now

As a result, you will reinforce your mindfulness practice and enjoy a deeper, richer experience. If you would like to learn more about how to do this, a great resource is The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. He is a master of teaching how to immerse yourself in presence.

By practicing mindfulness, you can create a new consciousness that will positively affect how you think, feel, and interact with the world around you!

So, what are some other ways you practice mindfulness? I’d love to hear your ideas! Comment below and let’s get the conversation started.

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Melissa Damiani has a BA in Psychology and an M.Ed in Education. She is a personal coach and a lifestyle blogger who lives in New England with her husband and three fur babies. She enjoys reading, writing, practicing yoga, being in nature, British and medieval history, and all things Italian.


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