
3 Easy Ways to Create an Abundant Life Now!

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*This post was updated September, 2023

Are you ready to create an abundant life? Learn how you can tap into your subconscious mind to consciously create the life you want and deserve!

It is possible to release resistance around money, prosperity, and happiness to create a new set of beliefs that attract abundance and joy!

The Subconscious Mind

Your life is a reflection of how you perceive the world around you. This includes how you feel about yourself and what you tell yourself about the world. And, these thoughts, feelings, and ideas are largely influenced by your past.

You may be surprised to realize the extent to which your past continues to impact your life today.

In the personal development book, The Master Key System, Charles F. Haanel states that you can only elevate your current life circumstances by improving the quality of your thoughts.

So, if you want more out of life, it might be time to shift your mindset.

Your Thoughts Have Power

Although life is a mirror of your inner world, you wouldn’t intentionally attract bad things or illness.

However, you may unintentionally attract unwanted circumstances if you have limiting beliefs.

These are the deep-rooted, unconscious beliefs that you have about yourself and the world. And, they lay the foundation for your life.

3 Easy Ways to Create an Abundant Life Now!

3 Easy Ways to Create an Abundant Life Now!

You can effectively upgrade the quality of your life and level up by creating new thought patterns.

Think of your brain as a road you travel daily. Every time you drive that familiar route, your tires create channels in the road. Each trip creates deeper grooves until the path is deeply ingrained and clearly defined in the road.

This familiar path represents repetitive thought patterns which run like a program in the background of your life. And, this program is what causes you to run your daily life essentially on auto-pilot.

So much so, that instead of intentionally creating life experiences, this subconscious program takes the lead and runs the day for you based on past experiences.

According to Dr. Joe Dispenza “Neuroscience research proves that 95% of who you are by the age of 35 years old is a memorized set of behaviors, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hard-wired attitudes, beliefs and perceptions that function as a computer program”.

But, there are some specific and simple ways you can rewrite your program and leave the past behind once and for all to create an abundant life!

1. Start with gratitude.

Gratitude is a positive emotion similar to appreciation. It is cultivating a sense of happiness and thankfulness in response to a fortunate event or gift.

Gratitude is a state of being. And, you can experience feelings of gratitude for someone or something.

In addition, gratitude can also become a characteristic or personality trait when you consistently nurture feelings of positivity and thankfulness for all of the goodness in your life.

Gratitude in Action

When you don’t know where to begin, always begin with gratitude. In other words, focus on what you do have.

It’s easy to focus on what’s not working.

Instead, retrain your brain and start celebrating all of the good in your life.

There are so many things to be grateful for! Start by appreciating the simple things: a hug, a smile, a good cup of coffee, or the warm sun on your face.

By acknowledging these blessings, you will experience the elevated emotions of gratitude and joy that arise. 

And, when you connect your heart energy with the energy of the Universe, you will raise your vibrational frequency and open yourself up to unlimited possibilities.

In this blissful, empowered state you can create more abundance in your life.

2. Mentally receive abundance.

In 1989, best-selling author Stephen Covey coined the now familiar term abundance mindset in his highly acclaimed bookThe Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

What is an Abundance Mindset?

According to Covey, having an abundance mindset means that you feel confident that there are enough resources and time for you to accomplish your goals.

Abundant thinking is similar to cultivating a positive outlook and having a growth mindset.

And, it is closely connected to the idea that you can learn new skills and overcome life’s challenges with enough time, perseverance, and education.

He goes on to explain that if you have an abundance mindset you know that there is enough prosperity in the world for everyone to enjoy!

So, you can celebrate the accomplishments of others, and know that their achievements are paving a way for you to succeed as well.

A abundance mindset will also help you to take control over your life. Challenges will inspire you to be better. And, you are empowered, engaged, and motivated to live a life of growth and prosperity.

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”

Earl Nightingale

Scarcity Mindset

Alternately, a scarcity mindset, one of lack, is founded on the notion that abundance is limited. And, you believe that another person’s success will leave less abundance for you.

Perceiving the world in this way may prevent you from achieving your goals. Moreover ,it can have a negative impact on your health.

According to WebMD, “Scarcity mentality also has other impacts on your brain and can even cause it to work differently.”

When you focus on what’s not working, you cultivate a victim mentality and feel powerless to change the conditions of your life.

Thinking in this negative way is an indicator that you are stuck in the past.

When you replay the struggles and difficult times you experienced, you bring these experiences into them into the present and will continue to create similar events now and into your future.

And, that’s why nothing seems to change regardless of how hard you try. And, unintentionally, you may be creating bad karma.

However, you holds the key to an abundant life. Once you identify the old program of who you are, you can rewrite it!

We all have a story of the past, or who we think we are. So, what story are you replaying?

This is your program, and it lays the groundwork for how you live in the world. And, it is most likely what’s holding you back from living an abundant life.

Once you identify it, you can look at the thoughts surrounding this story. These are the limiting beliefs that you carry with you.

But, by shining a light on the thoughts that aren’t serving you, you can begin to create new thoughts and new ways of being in the world.

And, there are effective ways to achieve this: use positive affirmations, meditate, learn a language or skill, develop new friendships.

(Learn how you can recreate your life now! And, read about my personal experience here.)

Receiving Mode

An effective and easy way attract material wealth is to play the Prosperity Game created by Abraham Hicks.

It’s a fun way to dissolve any feelings of lack and tap into the abundance of the Universe immediately.

The Prosperity Game is simply a mind game in which you receive checks from the Universe.

It’s designed to challenge your current beliefs about money, and at the same time experience the freedom of wealth. And, it’s a playful way to create new thought patterns.

Accepting abundance from the Universe puts you in receiving mode and provides a direct connection to all that the Universe has to offer.

And, this is a key step in changing ingrained feelings of lack to feelings of prosperity and gratitude.

You can create an abundant life more quickly when you create a clear mental picture of what you desire.

Feelings of joy and excitement that go along with the visual imagery will speak volumes to the Universe and keep you in receiving mode!

3. Believe that everything happens for your highest good.

Life is not always easy. However, your greatest challenges are opportunities to make you stronger. And, adversity is a necessary catalyst of change.

It is often through hardship that you can refine who you are until you finally fall into harmony with your authentic self. And, this takes time, experience, and persistence of spirit.

So, before you can truly create a life of abundance, you have to prime the subconscious mind and get into receiving mode as we discussed earlier.

This means that you nurture an energy of abundance versus one of lack.

“It is often through hardship that you can refine who you are until you finally fall into harmony with your authentic self.”

Melissa Damiani


We’ve been conditioned to categorize everything that happens as either good or bad.

We judge ourselves and our life experiences in a continuous stream of (often negative) thought.

But, what if you surrendered to the idea that the bad things that happen can result in a beautiful life change, or lead to something unexpected and wonderful?

Perhaps that “bad” experience was exactly the one you needed to help you level up. Or perhaps, it is a challenge that you have been given in this life.

Whatever the case may be, finding the silver lining with help you build resiliency and become a stronger person.

Also, keep in mind that the Universe will always give you the exact experience you need to evolve.

So, if you continue to face the same problems on repeat, ask yourself what life is trying to teach you.

Within the pain lies the deeper message. When you learn the lesson you need to learn, you will move forward with newfound confidence.

It’s IS All About You

Believe that everything you experience is for your highest good. And, trust that the Universe is working for you at all times.

And, what if this truly is the case?

What if each moment was designed specifically for you: to evolve and strengthen you and deepen your connection with self?

How would that change your perception of life, your future potential, and the world around you?

The Lesson

Your may be left wondering, how can pain be a good thing?

The reality is that the pain you feel is often fleeting. But, when you continue to replay an event over and over in your mind, it only serves to perpetuate your pain.

As a result, the anguish, not the wisdom gained, becomes a part of your life story.

Moving beyond the suffering is the key to enlightenment.

When you finally learn the lessons you are meant to learn, your circumstances will almost miraculously change. And, life will propel you forward in ways you could have never imagined!

Your Thoughts

What do you think of these three strategies? Are they new concepts to you? Have you tried any of the suggestions?

I’d love to hear about what strategies you’ve used to overcome obstacles and create abundance in your life using the subconscious mind. Comment below and let’s get the conversation started!

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Melissa Damiani has a BA in Psychology and an M.Ed in Education. She is a personal coach and a lifestyle blogger who lives in New England with her husband and three fur babies. She enjoys reading, writing, practicing yoga, being in nature, British and medieval history, and all things Italian.

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