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Elevate Your Life Using 3 Simple and Effective Techniques!

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*Updated October 2023

It is possible to elevate your life at any time, regardless of your current situation. Whether you realize it or not, you already have everything you need inside of you to make significant changes.

So, isn’t it time for you to elevate your life and start living the fulfilling and abundant life you deserve?

The Universe is continually renewing itself. And, every moment holds within it opportunities to create new life experiences. Therefore, you can make purposeful changes and elevate your life at any time!

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Maya Angelou


Learning how to accept your life exactly as it is, is the first step in creating positive change.

Acceptance doesn’t mean that you agree with everything that’s happening. However, it is important to be honest with yourself in evaluating your life situation.

So, observe your life as if you were a stranger looking at it from the outside. This will help you to see things objectively. Where are you mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially? Define what areas are working well and what areas need improvement.

Here are some guiding questions:

  • How do I feel about each area of my life?
  • What specifically am I satisfied or dissatisfied with?
  • Do I often have thoughts of lack or low self-esteem?
  • Do I have limiting beliefs that hold me back from doing what I really want to do out of fear?
  • What would my life look in a perfect world?
  • What small action steps can I take now?

The Lens of the Past

It’s important to understand that your current circumstances cannot be changed. That’s because whatever is happening in your life now is a result of what you’ve already created. But, now it’s time to be inspired by a vision of the future!

So, decide exactly who you want to be! And, start living that vision now. Behave and feel as though you already have achieved your goal. Now, you’ll begin to influence future events.

Then, think about which behaviors are keeping you stuck in the past. You don’t want to keep reliving a similar life pattern over and over again. It’s time to evolve and expand!

Finally, give thanks for the blessings in your life and dwell in a state of gratitude for as long as possible. By engaging the heart, you will raise your vibrational frequency and change your energy.

Elevate Your Life Using 3 Simple Techniques!

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Elevate Your Life Using 3 Simple and Effective Techniques!

Step 1: How you feel is the most important thing!

You are the point of attraction for you! In other words, you are sending out a vibrational signal into the world. And, you may not realize it, but you are in constant communication with the Universe, and it’s always listening!

There are several Universal Laws that govern us, and the entire world. So, start learning how to use these laws to get what you want! The Law of Cause and Effect and the the Law of Attraction are two laws that directly impact what you experience in your reality. That’s because they essentially mirror back to you the same energy that you give out in the form of your life experiences.

“Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that is happening inside of us.”

Alan Cohen

Elevate Your Life

Your actions, thoughts, and emotions send out a clear signal to the Universe, and this is what determines the quality of your life.

So, how you behave and interact in the world matters. And, how you feel is more important than you may realize!

So, consider what you think about everyday. Are your thoughts positive and loving, or fearful and anxious? You can’t escape your vibrational frequency, so be mindful of what you put out to the world.

Step 2: Start telling the story of how you want your life to be.

All of your power is in the present moment, so it’s time to let go of the past. Negative thoughts, words, emotions, and intentions block you from receiving the good things you desire because they keep you in a cycle of reliving the past.

Instead, retrain your brain to think new thoughts which will inspire new emotions and new ways of being. You will begin to separate yourself from the familiar past, and start seeing yourself in a new light. This is the perfect time to try new things and participate in activities that are positive, upbeat, and fill you with joy.

When you offer up a consistent vibration of good feelings like happiness, gratitude, and love to the Universe for any length of time, it will take notice and work to match that frequency.

Soon, you’ll begin drawing more good things to you. Be sure to celebrate every sign from the Universe, no matter how small, that things are going your way. This is your evidence that you are attracting what you want into your life! And, let this be the motivation you need to keep moving forward!

“What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny.”

Robin Sharma

A New Story

You can change your narrative and write an inspiring story for yourself that will allow you to create the best possible future. From this, a more authentic version of you will begin to emerge.

Here are some simple ways to get started:

  • Practice meditation to effectively connect to self and shift your energy.
  • Create a vision board to illustrate all that you desire in your life. You can’t create an ideal life if you’re not telling the Universe what you truly desire.
  • Use positive affirmations every day. And, be sure create your own personal affirmations that are perfect for you! (You can learn how to do this here.)
  • Practice yoga. The benefits of yoga are immeasurable. And, once you find the right style for you, you will become addicted to the natural high you get from it. Yoga can positively influence your life on multiple levels.

Step 3: Your level of consciousness in every situation will determine its outcome.

The level of consciousness you bring to any situation will determine the quality of its outcome. The key to positive change is to bring conscious awareness to every moment, especially the difficult ones!

This one shift will have a tremendous effect on your life. That’s because how a situation develops is directly connected to your state of consciousness in that moment.

For example, a relatively minor dispute can become enflamed and exaggerated by your reaction to it, causing much more pain and suffering than necessary for you and those around you.

This reactive behavior is fueled by the ego and produces bad karma. And, you can see examples of this happening everyday on the news.

Conversely, when you create space and bring presence into any situation, you will consciously respond to it with intention. Therefore, you will approach every situation with patience and compassion.

As a result, you’re more likely to have a favorable outcome. As a result, you will accrue merit, or good karma.

The Up-Side of Challenges

The purpose behind every challenge is to expand your awareness and help you grow. As a result, you will stay rooted in presence and be at peace regardless of external situations or obstacles.

Challenges are here in order to strengthen the light of consciousness within you. And, when you acknowledge this and honor your personal journey, you will create wonderful energy, raise your vibrational frequency, and elevate your life.

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Disclosure: Melissa Damiani is a participant in the Routine Probiotic Affiliate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to merchant, and the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking Although I only promote products that I love, use, and have confidence in, always do your own research before purchasing any product or service. Read my disclaimer here.

Melissa Damiani has a BA in Psychology and an M.Ed in Education. She is a personal coach and a lifestyle blogger who lives in New England with her husband and three fur babies. She enjoys reading, writing, practicing yoga, being in nature, British and medieval history, and all things Italian.


  • Donna

    Melissa, As always, I loved this post. You wrapped everything up in a beautiful package to assist us in creating a life we are eager to wake up to. I 100 percent believe and know that your advice, put into practice, will lead to a harmonious life within ourselves.

    Thank you again,

    Donna A

    • Melissa Damiani

      Thank you so much Donna! Your thoughtful comment totally made my day!!! How are you? I hope all is well and that you had a wonderful Easter with your family. Life is still a bit hectic at the moment. So, it was such a nice treat to see your comment. I hope all is well with you. Keep in touch! Sincerely, Melissa xo

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