Health and Wellness

Letting Go is Not a Weakness and What Happens When You Do!

Letting go of anything that no longer serves you is the path to creating a joyful and abundant life. However, human nature can make this difficult. That’s because letting go can feel a lot like failure. But, in reality, it’s quite the opposite! So, how can you successfully let go of a relationship, situation or anything that’s not working and consciously create the life you deserve?

Accepting defeat is never easy. If you’re in midlife, you were probably brought up to believe that hard work, persistence, and determination were the keys to a successful life. There may also be a sense of guilt in giving up, even if the situation is no longer adding value.

Letting Go is Not a Weakness and What Happens When You Do!

Letting Go is Not a Weakness and What Happens When You Do!

Read the Signs

I’m not advocating that you give up when something feels hard. Quite the contrary! One of life’s greatest joys is to achieve your goals with hard work and determination. Conversely, it’s also important to know when something is not working. And, one of the best ways to determine whether to put in a little more elbow grease, or to jump ship, is by listening to your intuition.

Listen to Your Inner Voice

How can you learn to trust your gut? Research has shown that emotion and intuition have a physical presence in your gut. That’s because it’s lined with a network of 100 million neurons. Therefore, it’s often referred to as a second brain. This explains why you often get that “pit in your stomach” feeling when you make a bad decision.

So, when trying to get clarity about a difficult situation in your life, it’s important to clear your mind and open your heart. One effective way to do this is by feeling gratitude for all the blessings in your life. Now, consider the decision you need to make. Ask yourself:

  • What emotions surface when you take heart-centered approach?
  • How do these feelings differ from what your rational mind is telling you?

Learning how to listen to your intuition takes practice. However, it’s an important and effective tool to use when making choices that are right for you. Once you learn this skill, it will serve as a guiding light in your life.

Self Awareness

You may know someone whose life would improve exponentially if they would take a leap of faith, let go, and embrace change. Instead, they stay in a bad relationship, a dead-end job, or they just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. And, although it’s easy for you to identify this pattern in other people, it’s a lot more difficult to see it in yourself!

So, how do know if you’re trapped in this cycle? Simply, spend time with yourself. Remember, you are continually growing, evolving, and changing. Therefore, make it an on-going labor of love to get to know yourself at each unique phase in your life.

You may be wondering what this looks life in real life. There are many ways you can achieve this goal. Here are a few effective ways to connect with your inner knowing.

1. Meditate

Meditating is a healing way to connect to your heart and your mind. Give yourself the gift of physical and mental health through this healing practice. And, the benefits of meditating are immeasurable.

Physical Benefits

  • lowers blood pressure
  • decreases headaches
  • enhances immune system
  • lowers cholesterol
  • promotes restful sleep
  • changes the brain
  • helps control pain
  • calms the nervous system

Mental and Emotional Benefits

  • decreases stress
  • lowers anxiety
  • creates awareness in present moment
  • decreases feelings of regret, guilt, worry
  • generates kindness
  • creates a loving attitude toward others
  • increases memory and decision-making skills

2. Spend Time Outdoors

Being in nature is wonderful for the soul. Observe the miraculous natural world around you. The beauty of nature will relax you, center you, and remind you of who you are at your core. And, while you’re at it, take off your shoes and socks and connect with the Earth! Grounding, or earthing, has immeasurable health benefits, body and soul.


The act of grounding, or earthing, is when you experience direct, uninterrupted contact with the earth. This means that skin needs to touch soil, sand, water, or any conductive surface that is in contact with Earth. For example, walking barefoot at the beach or in the grass, are easy and inexpensive ways to reconnect to Mother Earth.

Research supports the concept that grounding or earthing the human body may be an essential element in the health equation along with sunshine, clean air and water, nutritious food, and physical activity. And, when you are electrically grounded, you feel:

  • more centered
  • stronger
  • more balanced
  • decreased tension
  • less stress

Grounding sheets can be used to connect you to the Earth’s essential energy so you can experience the health benefits and electrostatic shielding protection. When connected to the Earth’s natural electron current, many people experience positive health benefits like:

  • deeper, better quality sleep
  • less stress
  • more energy
  • improved circulation,
  • reduced inflammation
  • faster recovery from trauma
  • accelerated wound healing
  • body detoxification
  • relief of muscle headaches and muscle tension
  • reduced menstrual symptoms
  • reduced or eliminated chronic pain
  • natural feeling of wellness, calm and balance in the root chakra

3. Keep a Journal

Writing down your hopes and dreams will attract them to you. And, it’s a completely judgement-free zone! Moreover, when you dwell in a place of possibility, you tap into the power of the Universal Law of Attraction to make it work for you!

Another effective way to do this is to create a vision board. Get clear about your hopes and dreams and stay focused. When you think and feel as if you already have everything you want, you co-create your reality with the omnipotent power that will turn your vision a reality.

Avoidance Tactics

It’s common to use avoidance tactics when you’re not willing to face the reality of a situation. And, they may work in the short term. However, overtime, this strategy will create another set of problems.

  • Health Issues: If you try to ignore your emotions, you’ll have a greater tendency to overeat, drink too much alcohol, or participate in other activities that will help you escape your reality.
  • Anger: When you continue to fight for a relationship, or stay in a job that is not good for you, it creates suffering. And, this turns into anger and bitterness which can also manifest as illness or disease.
  • Escaping: When it’s too hard to face disappointments or unresolved issues, you may try to stay as busy as possible. That’s because time alone would mean facing something painful. However, maintaining a packed schedule for the sake of being busy only perpetuates the problem.

The Gift of Letting Go

Now you are ready to let go of what is to embrace new possibilities. This is the perfect time to begin aligning your thoughts and actions to what you want. And, this sets the entire Universe into motion to bring you exactly that!

So, detach from the outcome and release the need to control exactly how change will happen. The Universe will work out all the details in ways you would’ve never considered. You will be inspired to take action when the time is right. It will be scary at first, but the Universe will give you the exact experiences that you need to keep you moving forward.

What to Expect

1. Your life will feel like it’s falling apart.

Letting go means things will feel like they’re falling apart. Just let it happen. This will create space for new experiences. Once I let go of what wasn’t working in my own life, I was able to make room the things that were right for me. And, when I finally took that leap of faith and surrendered, it was actually a huge relief! My worst fears were realized and I was still standing. That was one of the most empowering experiences I’ve had and it was the push I needed to keep moving forward.

2. Circumstances will change unexpectedly.

When you finally take that leap of faith, life will begin working with you and for you. You’ll notice that you begin manifesting the things you want. Circumstances and people who you’ve tolerated, will become intolerable. And, they will almost miraculously begin disappearing from your life. And, when you are able to open yourself up to possibility and start experimenting with life, you’ll receive unexpected gifts and surprises from the Universe.

3. You will be tempted to go back to the way things used to be (even if they weren’t that great).

“Having courage doesn’t mean that you are not afraid, it simply means you persevere in spite of it.”

Melissa Damiani

Change is difficult. That’s precisely why it’s so hard to make authentic shifts in your life. And, although things might not be exactly the way you want them to be, your comfort zone feels safe and secure. So, when you’re faced with new challenges and experiences, it can feel a bit scary. However, this is when you have to push through the uncertainty and fear! Having courage doesn’t mean that you are not afraid, it simply means you persevere in spite of it.

Failure is Good?

How many times have you put limitations on yourself due to a lack of confidence or fear of failure? It might be more often than you realize! This speaks to the limiting beliefs that you’ve been carrying around since childhood. But, now is the time to shine a light on those self imposed limitations and move forward in the direction of your dreams!

Be Okay with the Messy Phase

“Pushing past the confines of your comfort zone makes you feel more confident and capable of reaching any goal you set for yourself.”

Melissa Damiani

So, let’s for a moment, take the word failure out of your vocabulary and, instead, use the word expansion. Trying something new means that you are expanding your horizons. Whether you succeed beyond your wildest imagination or fall flat on your face isn’t important. The experience itself will alter the way you perceive the world, and yourself, in the most positive ways.

Pushing past the confines of your comfort zone makes you feel more confident and capable of reaching any goal you set for yourself. And, although letting go may sound like giving in, it’s actually the opposite! Letting go allows you to make room for all the wonderful and surprising things that life has in store for you!

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Disclosure: Melissa Damiani is a participant in the ShareASale Affiliate Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to select merchants, and the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking Although I only promote products that I love, use, and have confidence in, always do your own research before purchasing any product or service. Read my disclaimer here.

Melissa Damiani has a BA in Psychology and an M.Ed in Education. She is a personal coach and a lifestyle blogger who lives in New England with her husband and three fur babies. She enjoys reading, writing, practicing yoga, being in nature, British and medieval history, and all things Italian.


  • Raymond M. Logan

    I was very fortunate as a young teen when I was in Jr high school to have a next door neighbor who was a very spiritual and positive influence in my life. So I started this very early in life is what I’m saying. We went to school together Melissa, we we’re in different clicks in school but you signed my 8th grade lil signature book I passed around I still have it, lol anyways, good to see you in this regard, it’s a blessing to help people who are not completely aware of this practice and I absolutely love what you and many others like you do for people. It’s a blessing.
    I have been conditioned to think positive thoughts and prayers since I was a young boy, which helped me through my divorce and other mishaps along my journey through this time. So I wish everyone would thing positive thoughts and teach your children mental hygiene. You teach them physical hygiene, for instance, brush their teeth, washing their face, washing their body’s, but mental hygiene is essential, especially today’s society. These kids today are lost. Not their fault, it’s the parents who don’t know, so the kids don’t know. You are what your peers have shown you, it’s up to you to nurture it and use it. The self respect, compassion, genuine care for others seems non existent in some of these children, I just don’t get it. It starts at home.

    • Melissa

      Hello Raymond and thanks so much for your thoughtful comment! I agree with you that social emotional learning at home and in our schools should be the first priority. Everything begins with respect, kindness, and compassion for others. This is exactly why I began my journey writing this blog. I appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts. Open conversation are so important. It was nice hearing from you! I can’t believe you still have your autograph book lol. I lost mine somewhere along the way. Best regards, Melissa

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