Health and Wellness,  Lifestyle,  Midlife,  Personal Development,  Self Care,  Self Esteem

7 Practical Ways to Live Your Best Life This Fall!

Live your best life this fall with some practical, simple life changes. Fall is a wonderful time to re-energize yourself, body, mind, and spirit.

In the fall, many of us experience a natural renewed motivation to get organized and set new goals. Therefore, it’s the ideal time for you to recreate yourself and live your best life this fall!

7 Practical Ways to Live Your Best Life This Fall!

7 Practical Ways to Live Your Best Life This Fall!

Here are seven proven ways to live your best life this fall! Let’s jump right in.

1. Design a Personalized Supplement Routine

If you don’t have a personalized supplement routine, this is the perfect opportunity to put one in place now. Getting enough of the right nutrients is crucial to good health and longevity, especially as a women in midlife, and can increase health and wellness across the board. So, if you want to optimize your health, invest in the most effective combination of vitamins and supplements for you.

Admittedly, it can be super confusing to know exactly which supplements to take, and trial and error can get very costly. But, I have you covered!

After doing loads of research, and through extensive personal experience, I’ve come up with a comprehensive list of vitamins and supplements that can enhance your quality of your life, have anti-aging properties, and can help you lose weight.

And, due to the sheer amount of information, I’ve had to separate the results into three detailed, but easy-to-read, blog posts. Happy reading!

  • To create a personalized vitamin and supplement routine, click here.
  • For anti-aging supplements that are relatively new to the wellness scene, click here.
  • For a high-quality probiotic routine, click here.

2. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to living your best life everyday! Unfortunately, for many women, the struggle to get a good night’s sleep is real, especially when you throw nightly hot flashes into the mix!

But, there are some proactive things you can do to have a better chance of getting a restful 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Get Up Early!

The very last thing you want to do when you’re not sleeping well is to get out of bed earlier than your usual time. And, when you’re not getting a proper night’s sleep, it’s understandable that you may to want to hit the snooze button. But, getting up early in the morning can help you enjoy a night of deep, uninterrupted sleep later.

One way to get yourself out of bed early is to visualize yourself slipping back into your cozy bed at a deliciously early time later that evening.

Or, motivate yourself to get up early by setting aside time to do something you really enjoy before the day gets started. Personally, knowing that I have the first quiet hour of the day all to myself always inspires me to get up extra early!

Waking up early has also helped to improve my mood, and I feel healthier and more energized. Now that I am in this routine, even after being a self-proclaimed night person, I will never go back to my old habits.

Just Breathe

It may sound too simple, but conscious breathing can be the key to getting the deep sleep you crave. Try this exercise:

  • Breathe in for 5 (or more) seconds.
  • Breathe out fully for 5 (or more) seconds.
  • Repeat this at least 12 times.
  • Now, close your eyes and concentrate on your Third Eye. (You may see a white light.)
  • Drift off to a peaceful night’s sleep.

This method works wonders for me when I’m having a difficult time relaxing my brain.

Solfeggio Frequency 528 Hertz for Restorative Sleep

Another option to help you get a good night’s sleep is to listen to the Solfeggio Frequency 526 Hertz. This ancient tone promotes deep sleep while healing DNA for a healthier body and mind.


Physical activity is the cornerstone of a healthy, happy life and will help you sleep like a baby again! Staying active is a proactive way to ensure that you get a deep sleep.

So, hit the gym, take a brisk walk at lunch, or jog in place if you have to! But, make an effort to break a sweat and increase your heart rate as often as possible.

Yoga as a Daily Practice

The mental and emotional benefits of this mind-body practice are immeasurable and instrumental to living your best life! By exploring the different styles of yoga, you can take an important first step toward creating a healthier and more balanced lifestyle in order to live your best life this fall.

Yoga can boost your mood, prevent injury and disease, fight depression, and can even help you recover from injury more quickly.

Other beneficial changes will occur when you practice yoga. This ancient practice can transform your body in the most wonderful ways and will inspire you to make healthier life choices! For instance, you may notice that you stop craving sugar or you turn down a second glass of wine.

You never know exactly what wonderful surprises are in store for you until you commit to regular yoga practice! Click here to learn more about all the different styles of yoga and find the one that is perfect for your lifestyle.

Now, get excited! Once you establish a healthy sleep pattern, you can finally leave those restless nights behind once and for all!

3. Get Your Finances Organized

Financial health is critical to living your best life this fall. Statistics show that many Gen X’ers are living well beyond their means, accumulating debt, and not saving enough for retirement.

So, how do you know that you’re making sound financial decisions? Here are some concrete steps you can take now to ensure financial health and ease your mind.

Gauge your financial health

Gauging your financial health is the first step in the path to financial freedom. Answer the questions below to make a personal financial plan:

  • What are my assets and liabilities?
  • How am I’m spending my money?
  • Am I decreasing debt and increasing savings?
  • Do I have enough of a cushion to survive a financial emergency?
  • Do I have a realistic retirement plan?

Now that you have the big picture, it’s time to take action.

Calculate your net worth. So, what does this mean exactly? Simply put, it’s the cash you would have left over if you sold everything and paid off your debt. More specifically, subtract your debt from the value of your home, your cars, your savings accounts, investments, and retirement accounts. That’s your net worth.

Create a budget. Find out exactly where and how you spend your money. Use a spreadsheet with a line for everything you pay out: monthly bills, dining out, memberships, medications, everything!

Seedtime is a great place to start for in-depth guidance. And, it provides valuable information and it’s a useful tool for beginners!

Pay off all of your credit card debt ASAP. With exorbitant interest rates, credit cards will lead you down a slippery financial slope. And, carrying a monthly balance can ruin your credit and peace of mind.

It can take years or even decades to dig out from under the resulting fallout. Therefore, make this your first priority. Use your expendable cash to bring down the balance you are carrying as quickly as possible.

Review all investment funds. You may be surprised at how many people avoid looking into their investment accounts and overall retirement plan. But, don’t be one of them! Meet with a financial advisor to get a clear picture of where you are now and set future goals.

If you have children, university tuition and other expenditures will impact retirement. Navigating through all of this can feel overwhelming. So, consult with an expert for optimal results.

When you know that your funds are working for you, in the most effective way possible, you will feel secure about your future!

4. Take a High Quality Probiotic

If you are not taking a high quality probiotic, you are missing a wonderful opportunity! Probiotics are an essential part of a wellness routine.

Based on scientific research, your gut health is critical for overall health, including your mental and emotional state, weight loss, immunity, and energy level. So, if you’re not taking a probiotic yet, it’s time to jump on the bandwagon now!

A Clean Capsule

Routine is vegan, allergen-free, and made without any GMOs, chemicals, or fillers. And, since it’s a slow-release formula, you have the flexibility to take it anytime: before or after meals, morning, noon, or night. 

Personally, I take my Routine capsule on a completely empty stomach and a few hours before I eat anything, for optimal benefits.

4 Big Benefits (and a Stress-Busting Bonus)

As stated earlier, your gut plays a huge role in overall health, and a daily probiotic is an important way you can nourish it. But, quality matters!

Routine uses only the most effective strains and is ultra-transparent about what’s in the capsules. They even provide links to the research, so you can read the studies for yourself.

No wonder I saw results in just a few weeks! And, this was so encouraging as a woman in the throes of menopause because, to be honest, I was struggling both mentally and physically with this new phase of life.

Here’s what Routine does:

Improves Digestion

If you deal with GI issues like constipation or gas, a probiotic can be a huge help. Routine uses one of the most well-studied strains Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 to increase good-for-you bacteria in the gut to keep you “regular,” while keeping the bad bacteria out.

Balances Vaginal Health

Routine uses Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-14, which help keep your vaginal ecosystem in balance by perfecting the pH level, increasing good flora, and relieving annoying symptoms like itching and discharge.

It even helps prevent yeast infections. One reviewer actually reported that although she would typically get yeast infections every month for the last four years, after two months on Routine she’s been 100% yeast infection-free.

Promotes a Healthy Weight

They also use Bifidobacterium lactis B-420, which helps trim waist size and body mass, boost metabolism, and regulate weight. So, it’s a great complement to your other wellness practices. And, this is a huge benefit when you are a woman experiencing the often challenging effects of menopause.

Boosts Immunity

Did you know your gut accounts for 70% of our whole immune system? With immunity on everyone’s minds these days, it’s so important to do everything you can to keep it robust. Routine chose Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04, which can help rev up your immune response and reduce the risk of upper respiratory tract infections. And, this cuts down the number of days you’ll be sick.

Reduces Stress & Anxiety

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Routine knows this too, which is why their probiotic incorporates ashwagandha, a centuries-old Indian plant that’s one of the few clinically studied herbs to help ease stress and anxiety. It comes down to feeling holistically strong, both physically and mentally.

The Sustainability Factor

Routine wanted to ensure the most minimal environmental impact possible. Your first shipment will come in a compostable mailer and cardboard packaging made from recycled materials (which can be recycled again).

They use a compostable pouch for a one-month supply of probiotic capsules and a reusable glass jar in which to store them. After that, refills come in a compostable pouch and can be stored in the jar. So, no unnecessary packaging which is perfect for any environmentally-conscious woman!

Making Routine a Routine!

Life is busy. So, if auto-ship is an option, I’ll happily take it. Routine’s auto-ship is also a better deal, $29.95 per month versus a one-time purchase for $39.95. Free two-day shipping sweetens the deal and means you will get it quickly, too. 

And, if you compare the price point of Routine to other high-quality probiotic products, you will clearly see that this is both a bargain and a great investment in your health.

Routine for Her stands for science, sustainability, and serious results. And since I’m such a fan, I’m offering you a special code for $10 off your first order, use code SAVE10!

7 Practical Ways to Live Your Best Life This Fall!

5. Meditate

Meditation is a powerful tool that can support you in living your best life this fall! People meditate for different reasons. Some people are drawn to meditation for its health benefits and others are seeking relief from emotional or mental suffering.

Regardless of your inspiration, the important thing is that you get started! To learn more about meditation for beginners and how meditation can upgrade your life, click here.

Physical Benefits:

  • lowers blood pressure
  • decreases headaches
  • enhances immune system
  • lowers cholesterol
  • promotes restful sleep
  • changes the brain
  • helps control pain
  • calms the nervous system

Mental and Emotional Benefits:

  • decreases stress
  • lowers anxiety
  • creates awareness in present moment
  • decreases feelings of regret, guilt, worry
  • generates kindness
  • creates a loving attitude toward others
  • increases memory and decision-making skills

6. Pursue Your Passions

In order to live your best life this fall, it’ll be important for your to have time alone to re-energize your spirit.

One of the most loving ways you can do this is by pursuing your passions because they are an essential part of who you are. You will spontaneously feel joy and contentment when you do what you most love and these activities feed your soul.

So, take the time to find out what makes you want to jump out of bed in the mornings. When you feel a surge of excitement, you’ve found your passion. And, that’s what makes life worth living!

When I began to pursue my passions in earnest, my life transformed. I started my blog and made changes in my professional life as well. By making purposeful lifestyle shifts, I now have increased financial and personal freedom. And, I’m more energized and joyful than I’ve been in years.

Just be sure to have a solid plan before making any drastic moves. Your level of success or failure will most likely depend on how prepared you are to face the new challenges ahead.

7. Spend Time Mindfully

Mindfulness has become a popular buzzword for living fully in the present. Being mindful means that you live with intention and purpose. As a result, you give your full attention to the experience you’re having in the moment.

And, mindfulness gives you the power to create your life! This is because when you live consciously, you are able to monitor your emotions, thoughts, and overall state of being.

And, when you do, you raise your vibrational frequency. As a result, good things start happening!

Living Consciously vs. Unconsciously

Mindfulness also means that you live a conscious life. However, many people go through their days unconsciously.

For instance, have you ever driven somewhere only to realize that you have no recollection of the journey? This is because you are running on auto-pilot. And, we do this more often than we realize!

You my find yourself preoccupied with repetitive thoughts of the past or worries about the future. And, this pattern of behavior prevents you from fully connecting with the world around you.

It takes effort to quiet your mind and live in the present. But, when you take steps to live mindfully, you will enjoy life at deeper level.

Mindfulness and Intention

Setting intentions is another way to practice mindfulness. So, make mindful decisions about what you want to invite into your life and set specific goals.

This will give you direction and provide a strong foundation in which to build your life. As a result, external factors are less likely to distract you from your objectives.

By practicing mindfulness, you’re more likely to achieve your goals.

Now, you can take control of your life to create the best possible outcome in every situation. To learn more about the power of living mindfully, click here.

Start Now!

You don’t have to do everything at once. Decide what is important to you and begin there.

And, it’s also not necessary, or encouraged, to make drastic changes. Baby steps will become strides over time, and then you’ll start taking leaps and bounds! And, fall is the perfect time to start living your best life!

If you enjoyed this post, please comment below, subscribe, and share with friends! And, be sure to follow Gratitude Grace Glamour on PinterestFacebook, and Instagram. Let’s take this midlife journey together!

Disclosure: Melissa Damiani is a participant in the Routine Probiotic Affiliate Program, the ShareASale Affiliate Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to select merchants, and the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking Although I only promote products that I love, use, and have confidence in, always do your own research before purchasing any product. Read my disclaimer here.

Melissa Damiani has a BA in Psychology and an M.Ed in Education. She is a personal coach and a lifestyle blogger who lives in New England with her husband and three fur babies. She enjoys reading, writing, practicing yoga, being in nature, British and medieval history, and all things Italian.

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